Deputy Principal’s Message

A warm welcome back to another exciting term parents and guardians.

Parent Teacher Interviews

During the first two weeks we have had the opportunity to see many of you for our parent teacher interviews, I sincerely thank you for attending.

We hold parent teacher information evenings twice a year to give parents the opportunity to liaise with their child’s teacher. We place a great emphasis on parent-teacher interviews, and the positive impact it has on the student’s education, and building a strong network between the parent-teacher-student communications.

The interviews allow parents to receive specific feedback on their children’s progress in each of their classes. This is the time to receive updates and information pertinent to the growth and welfare of your child. Interviews also allow teachers to provide strategies with the parents that can be used at home to aide in continuous student academic and social growth. It also makes the parent aware of their need to support their child in areas that they may need to improve on.

We hope you had the opportunity to speak with your child’s teachers.


Sirius College expects that students attending our college to wear school uniform. This creates a sense of belonging and helps develop school pride. We are still seeing many students come to school without the correct college uniform. Staff will check students uniform daily and also after assemblies each week. Students who are out of uniform more than 3 times in a term, may be asked to be picked up from school by their parents/guardians. We ask for your cooperation in this matter.

As we approach the holy and sacred month of Ramadan, I wish you all health and prosperity and a successful term for all of our students.

Yours truly,

Mrs. Nazan Zengin
Deputy Principal